Saturday, 28 January 2023
Day 4: Sick & my interview on Astro Awani
Friday, 27 January 2023
Binging on Gilmore Girls & K-Dramas
I really love TV shows from this era. Don't know if it's an age thing, but it just hits differently then current TV shows. Currently at Season 4. I watch mostly while I do other things, duk tengah kupas, potong bawang ke, sambil lukis ke, e.t.c...
So I binge like 2-3 episodes at one go. In the meantime, there are a bunch of other series that I watch as well but leave hanging. And get back to it whenever I feel like it. Sometimes I forget the storyline. But some series I tend to like really binge watch from start to finish. Depends on how hooked I am.
We have Astro at home, tapi tak tengok langsung now dah ada Netflix as well as Disney hotstar. But might wanna cancel subscription for Disney cause we don't watch it as much.
Have watched quite a number of Korean series. They make some really great series. I even did a few digital paintings based off the screencaps of them.
Vincenzo |
Goblin |
The Uncanny Counter |
Hotel Del Luna |
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Hari ke-2 cubaan berblogging seperti dulu
Chaiyok for sam n din
— Iήsͥⱥnͣeͫ 🇲🇾.💬.🔁.💙.🔀.📊 (@insaneoredi) January 25, 2023
Hello 2023
Rindu zaman Budu & Belacan: Busuk Tapi Sedap days. Rindu those chatboxes on the side, and who visited stats etc.. Then there was Nuffnang with the advertorials and what not. Of course the events were wonderful. Got to meet fellow bloggers. Fun days fun times.
Fast forward to today, I am mostly at home. Quit my day job, to be a full-time stay at home mom, work at home mom. 100% for a living. It has it's ups and downs. Buuuuttt I don't wanna get into that now. Maybe will keep it for another blog post, that is if I ever do continue writing.
If interested you can check out our Instagram or our Twitter
Then, lately I've been TikToking, and tried gaining 1k followers to start doing LIVE. So reached 1k, but danngggg so awkward.
Watch on TikTok
Like how on earth people can be so natural on live. I macam eh nak cakap apa ni. I nak record video atas ni pun banyak gila take. But every once in a while I do go on randomly. But only like 10 or 9 is my most viewers at one time. Hahaha. Sendu. My live is mostly art stuff though..
And some of the LIVE are damn weird. And ramainya tak tidur like up till 3AM doing live. Siap full on make-up. But yeah most of them do get these live gifts which is converted into real money. So I guess that't their way of gaining income. To be honest, if TikTok was around during my younger days, I'd probably be doing that too.
Tapi ada yang siap buat live tidur la, then nenek tua mandi lumpur la, siap polis buat siasatan. ASMR memang ramai buat, and ramai gila viewers. But back to that nenek tua mandi and tidur, it's like a new age begging. I faham yang live buat art content, bagi gift and that person will draw you, but some are just super desperate. Siap macam okay, kalau you bagi this certain amount, I will dance, slap my face, conteng muka. And kadang siap couple laki bini buat. Scary how it is. Black Mirror is becoming a reality. Anything for clout, anything for money. Malu segala sudah dipadam.
Anyway, I'll end this post here. Trying to warm up. Who knows I might make blogging a regular thing again. Tapi memang kering takda idea apa nak tulis.
Alrite, thank you to those who dropped by and read. Thank you for those who have followed me during my Budu & Belacan days or even way back. Wouldn't be here without you guys.
Much Love,
Saturday, 13 February 2021
Monologue: The feeling of giving up
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Photo by Akshar Dave on Pexels |
Is giving up an option? Yes and no. Some things I've given up, was the best choice I've made, but some turned out to be regrets. Of course there is no turning back, but there is always that question of "what if". This is life, the choices we make, the path we choose to take. It's always an adventure, scary a lot of times.
But this is why, we need guidance in life. Dan kita sebenarnya dah ada "guidance" ni. Apa sepatutnya yang dituju dalam hidup ni. Tapi banyak masalah timbul sebab kita mengejar yang duniawi sampai matlamat yang kekal yang sepatutnya kita kecapi kita ambil ringan.
I am always struggling with this, at the end of each day, I reflect on myself, and can't help but feel disappointed for not making the most out of it. And always set a new goal the next day, hoping to be a better me, and sometimes I do, a lot of times I fail at it. And the thought of just giving up keeps on lingering in my head, which makes me feel all useless. And I fall back to zero. Get back up build the pieces again, only to bring it down another day.
It's a tiring and an exhausting routine.
But no, although I feel like giving up, I know I won't. I will always find a way to get back up, even it means I continue to fall, get hurt, get back up, only to fall again.
There are changes I need to make. I do believe or at least like to believe that I do improve a bit each time. At least I am trying, and will try harder, and maybe less some days, but I will try no matter how hard I fall, I will go on.
Friday, 12 February 2021
Was once an influencer, and why the hiatus?
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Featured in some magazines and newspaper about blogging and photography |
Okay, so thought of answering this question here cause it wouldn't be enough in just one tweet.
How did you become an influencer dulu2 and why did you take a hiatus afterwards. Answer only if you want to. Thankss!!Tapi yg ni wajib jawab, where do you derive your art inspiration from— Queen Lychee (@lycheerambutan) February 12, 2021
Will answer this in parts.
"How did you become an influencer dulu2..."
The influencer bit, I'd say happened because of MySpace. I was one of the earliest people to have signed up to MySpace. Either it was below 500 or 5000 users at that time. And before they had the option of customizing the top friends list, I would automatically be there on most, especially for those in Malaysia.
Also back then I did a lot of artsy self-portraits, which at that time not many Malaysians did? And also my profile picture was a moving GIF. I kind of liked experimenting a lot before others did (cause I was a loner nerd at home with nothing else better to do). And the computer and Internet was my go to place to express my introvert-ness. So with all that combined, I guess people took interest in what I do.
I did manage to influence quite a number of people to actually get a camera and start taking photos. Which in a way was quite an achievement? So yeah, one thing lead to another. I started with the blog Budu & Belacan.. went up up up...
But.. in reality, my life was kind of in a mess. I still was very active after my divorce. So, then years after, I met someone... and at that point I thought, I should focus on my personal life, PRIVATELY. Prior to that, I used to share EVERYTHING about my life. Which kind of backfired. People started talking on gossip boards, making assumptions about my personal life. It bothered me a lot. I don't blame them though, cause I did put myself out there for public scrutiny.
"...and why did you take a hiatus afterwards"
If anyone notices I don't really share photos of myself or family these days, don't share much about my personal life other than daily struggles with art and my usual emotional mood swings. I feel that some things is best kept private.
Then after much consideration and discussion with my husband, decided to make a comeback, as I wanted to do business from home, so thought that it was good to make a reappearance. So this is when I came up with Creep & Cream, a clothing brand for kids tees
My return was mostly for business. Only later that I started making it slightly more personal and now it's mostly about art. Which brings me to next bit of question:
"where do you derive your art inspiration from"
Fairy tales. Story books. Alice in Wonderland. These stories I grew up with as a child, influenced me a lot. And being bored at home, I always came up with things to occupy myself. Always played with my mom's make up, dressed up, acted in front of the mirror, imagined I was a Disney princess, sang, and all that. Then as I became a teen. I continued on expression myself, through drawings and poetry. It was only later on, when I got my first digital camera, I started doing self-portraits..
Now that I no longer have my studio. Married, staying at home with my kids, I still have the urge to express myself, but photography is no longer an option, so I started drawing more often, started from doodling.
And I had a phase were I doodled on wood. Then got my Samsung Galaxy Tablet, started dabbling with digital illustrations, paintings. And lately have been doing a lot of photo-realism, kinda brings back the memories of my photography days.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Kembalikan semangat yang pudar
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"Ke laut, ke darat, janganlah keparat" Foto di ambil di Port Dickson bertahun dahulu. |
Agak-agaknya boleh ke dapatkan semangat berblogging macam dulu? Kalau ada geng rasa semangat sikit. Tapi tulah, kebanyakkan geng lama pun, dah tak aktif, dah ada komitmen hidup yang lain, bekeluarga, berkerjaya. Jadi takda masa nak habiskan menulis blog. IG ngan Twitter, Facebook jauh lebih mudah. Takda nak pikir nak karang panjang-panjang ye dok.